Method 2: TESP and OEM Chart
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TESP | Rating | Comments |
Overall Value | Cost-effective method, provides good measurement on new clean systems with proper OEM chart. Is not accurate if system is dirty. |
Recognized by Standard 310 | Yes | Recognized by ANSI/ACCA/RESNET. |
Residential Accuracy |
Good accuracy if using on new systems with right OEM table. Per 310: Accuracy of +/- 1% of the reading or +/- 0.25 Pa (0.001 inH2O) required for manometer, whichever is greater. |
Consistency | Inconsistent readings if condition of equipment is not clean (matching the OEM table). |
Equipment Cost |
$ | Cost effective, can start very low (<$100, to about $600). |
Time (Min) | 5 to 10 | Process is straightforward. NCI is a good resource for this method. |
Meets Standard 310
Does not meet standard 310.