October 16, 2019 1 PM CDT (2 PM EDT, 11 AM PDT)
The webinar of October 2nd was a big success. So much so that we didn’t have enough room in our webinar to accommodate everyone. So, we are holding the webinar again on October 16 at 1 PM Central, (2 Eastern, noon Mountain, 11 Pacific).
Join Paul Morin of The Energy Conservatory for a new one-hour webinar on duct leakage testing. Duct leakage issues affect homes of all types. Leakage of ducts in unconditioned space wastes energy as well as introduce air quality issues. Leakage of ducts in conditioned spaces can cause pressure imbalances which affect the house and its occupants. New building codes are swiftly moving across the country and affecting new construction as well as retrofits.
This session will cover the new building codes, how to be in compliance with the codes, and how to perform a variety of tests to satisfy the code official as well as the homeowner. The session will also cover some of the certification programs that are available for individuals to test duct leakage. These programs include Duct and Envelope Testing (DET) and the Infiltration and Duct Leakage (IDL).
#1: Learn effects of duct leakage in a house
#2: Lean about the current and future codes as they relate to duct leakage
#3: Learn how to perform a number of tests to measure duct leakage
This webinar is eligible for 1 BPI CEU.