Will you continue to sell the WiFi Link?
Yes, we will.
Yes, we will.
Yes, we will, for at least a couple of years.
Ensure that the knob that adjusts the speed manually on the fan speed controller is turned all the way down but not off. If the knob has been turned up … Read more
As a first step, try switching WiFi channels. This can be done by holding down the A button briefly. The A button is on the bottom of the WiFi Link. The DG-700 must be on, the WiFi Link plugged in and the first two lights on the WiFi link should be solid (not blinking). If the green light does not go from blinking to solid, hold down the A Button on the bottom of the WiFi Link until all 4 lights blink. This will reset the WiFi Link and the green light should change to solid (not blinking). The WiFi on some computers will not work well on Channel 1, the default channel on the WiFi Link. Also, if you are in a noisy WiFi environment, switching channels will help. In rare cases, the WiFi on your computer is not very compatible with the WiFi Link and using an external USB wireless adaptor such as a Linksys WUSB6300 will solve the problem.
The password to connect to TEC WiFi Link is tecwifi12. This password is different from your personal WiFi connection password and cannot be changed.
No. The reports will always show the date of the last time it was calibrated at TEC. To provide information about the frequent calibration checks of your gauge, you should … Read more
Yes, when your gauge is returned to us for factory recalibration, the date of the last calibration is embedded in the gauge. It is also displayed on the calibration sticker … Read more
This depends on whether you will use the Blower Door and Duct Blaster with one person or split the kits up. If both systems are with one person or on … Read more
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